Prior to your admission the Director of Nursing / DDON will need to see you to discuss your need and individual interests and provide you with an explanation of:
- The vision, mission, values, philosophy and policies of the Village
- Fees/charges and eligibility for admission
- The various services provided in the Village
- Explanation of the various forms and agreements required by Government on admission
- The complaint mechanism
- Any other relevant information you may request or that The Maronite Sisters Village deem necessary to obtain or provide.
- A brochure of the Maronite Sisters Village, informing you more about our services.
Admission to our Village is available to any person regardless of race, sex or religion and who is in the low-income bracket.
New residents will be provided with an information pack that includes:
- Resident Handbook and form to be signed when receiving the handbook
- Request for an Assets Assessment Form
- Resident Agreement
- Brochure
- The Complaint Form
- The Consent Form
- Medical practitioner agreement (to be completed by the family doctor)
The Director of Nursing will explain each document in the pack to both the resident and their representative.
On admission, please bring the following items, which are to be given to the DON / DDON or the Registered Nurse in charge, which will be updated on a regular basis or as required when your needs change. This care plan will be yearly discussed and signed by your relatives or representative.
- ACCR assessment completed by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), approved for high residential respite care
- Pension concession card
- Medicare card
- Safety Net Pharmaceutical card
- Any medical or other relevant documents (eg. Doctors scripts)
- Private health insurance membership details (if applicable)
- Electoral card, if available
- Current Medications
- Current General Practitioner details and confirmation that he will continue to treat you at our facility
- Plus any other entitlement card or certificate
- Sufficient and suitable day clothes, underclothes and nightwear for immediate use. Also, dressing gown, slippers, toilet bag and electric shaver (for men). We do not cater for clothing items that require being hand washed or are not washable in commercial washing machines.
- General toiletries and incontinence aids are supplied by the village.
It is our desire that you become involved as far as possible in all the decision-making regarding your admission to our village and that you do so voluntarily.
It is preferable, if possible, that you visit us prior to your admission to go for a detailed orientation tour, therefore, you become familiar with your new home; meet the Registered Nurse, the Staff and the residents, your future companions. If it is not possible, we can conduct the orientation tour on admission.
Admission depends on:
- You being confident that the Village can meet your emotional, spiritual, medical, cultural and social needs.
- A vacancy
- Having a current Government approval for High Care admission.
If your local doctor is unable to continue to treat you at our Village, then you will be able to choose from a variety of doctors who visit our village. If this be the case, then it would be of assistance if you are able to bring your old medical records with you.
The DON will require, to know the name of your Executor and any special personal needs you may have.
Relatives or legal guardians are requested to leave the names and phone numbers of at least two (2) interested people if they are intending to be away for any extended period.
After your admission our staff will complete a comprehensive assessment of all of your needs. This information will be obtained from you or your family. This allows us to better plan and individualize your needs. From this a detailed care plan is created, in cooperation with you, which will be updated on a regular basis or as required when your needs change. This care plan will be yearly discussed and signed by your relatives or representative.